Carnevale is the period falling right before Lent when Italians indulge in rich foods, silly costumes, and pranks. Kids (and sometimes adults) dress up for Carnevale and even go to school and local parades, all dressed up. I was an adorable Pierrot at age 3 and a cute gypsy at 4. Then there’s no other photographic evidence of my Carnevale outfits…until I was about 10. That’s when I wore my unforgettable (cringe!) 1800s-style Principessa Primavera dress. I looked like a pink cloud, covered in tulle and frills, with a silly hoop at the bottom of the skirt, bouncing back and forth as I moved anywhere. The best part of the costume? The wide-brim hat covered in pink tulle, leaving my poofy bangs intact. In the picture I looked all cheerful, right next to my cousin wearing the same exact dress (yikes!).
As I grew older, my interest shifted from wearing costumes and throwing confetti in the air, to savoring delicious Carnevale treats, i.e., frittelle, castagnole, and crostoli. My mom usually makes one batch of each and they all disappear pretty quickly. Crostoli are the treat that goes the quickest, as they are utterly and sneakingly addictive!