I realize artichokes can look somewhat intimidating. Just like Pablo Neruda describes in his Ode to the Artichoke, they look like little warriors, covered up in scales and armed up for battle. The truth is, in spite of their “scary” appearance, they only require few preparation steps and they are very nutritious. For those who don’t know how to clean an artichoke, don’t despair. Here’s a quick visual tutorial I drew for you! I hope it helps 🙂
Sautéed artichokes are a simple and delicious side dish my mother often prepares. Nobody in my big Italian family passes the dish around the table without taking a generous spoonful from it. I’ve had artichokes prepared in several different ways, but this is my absolute favorite one. They are crunchy and soft; savory, sweet, and a bit tangy. I like to eat them warm or cold…I place any leftovers in a little bowl and I cover them with extra-virgin olive oil so I use them as a pizza topping the next day. The jarred version doesn’t stand a chance!
Servings: 2 | Prep Time: 15 min | Cook Time: 5-6 min
2 big artichokes
1 lemon (+ 1 to squeeze on top)
extra-virgin olive oil
a splash of dry white wine
coarse salt
(optional) a small bunch of parsley, chopped
1. Squeeze a lemon in a bowl full of water and drop it in it.
2. Clean the artichokes, by snapping the dark green outer leaves until only the tender and pale inner leaves remain. Cut off the top part of the artichoke. Trim the stem end, remove the outer skin around it and remove any dark parts around the bottom. Cut it in half and scoop out the hairy inner part. Cut in smaller sections and drop them in the bowl of water & lemon to prevent them from turning dark.
3. Heat a bit of extra-virgin olive oil in a non-stick skillet. Add garlic.
4. When the garlic sizzles, add artichokes and turn the heat to medium-high. Sauté for 5-6 minutes, until tender, but still crisp. Stir with a spoon to avoid burning. Add chopped parsley, if desired, shortly before removing from the heat. Serve with a squeeze of lemon on top.
Buon Appetito!