It’s “Thanksgiving Eve” and I’d like to share a fun fact about me: although I’m Italian, my family is 100% Italian and we always lived in Italy, we’ve celebrated Thanksgiving for more than a decade. I’m talking about a full-blown dinner with stuffed turkey, gravy, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, maybe a casserole, and a pumpkin or apple pie as dessert. It’s kinda weird…I know. It all started because I wanted to help some of American friends feel like they were back home on such a special day. Then, after a couple of years, my family just loved the idea of having an excuse to get together and eat delicious food that was somewhat “exotic” (although they never really quite understood the sweet potato casserole topped with marshmallows)…so Thanksgiving sorta became a pre-Christmas gathering and my family keeps this tradition going. My dad even made up his very own Thanksgiving wishes and my brother and I can’t help but burst out laughing when he joyfully (and loudly) says to everybody “Happy Tacchin Day!!” (tacchino = turkey) with his super thick Italian accent. Yeah…and I thought “Happy Hallowey” was the worst English he could speak….