I know apples are good for you, you should eat-an-apple-a-day-to-keep-the-doctor-away, yadda yadda yadda…but I gotta confess I’m not a big apple eater. My poor little jaws easily get tired at munching the quintessential healthy fruit. Crunch, cruuunch, cruuuuunch. Can I have a softer, juicier pear instead? [If you read me for the first time, I’d like to specify I’m not 80 years old and I have all my teeth in place.]
Anyways, I’m sure you figured I wouldn’t present you with a recipe I wouldn’t eat myself. That’s right – because I DO enjoy eating apples when they’re cooked and I love them in pretty much anything – filled pasta, meats (remember my Cjalsons and Pancetta-wrapped Pork Tenderloin with Apples?)… and, of course, desserts! …