I made this Chocolate Chip Ricotta Cake at least 5 times this past year. Yes, it’s THAT good.
To be completely honest though, there’s also another reason why I made it so often. I was never happy with the photos I took of it (bad lighting, low-performance camera or operator error??). At some point I just stopped trying, forgot about it, and moved on to other recipes.
A couple of days ago, I opened my infamous “discarded photo folder”. When I saw these shots again, I couldn’t believe I held back so long on sharing this delicious recipe because I was nit picky about ISO or lighting! I believe the quality of my work is of paramount importance, but sometimes I set the bar too high, my perfectionism kicks in and, alas, I end up stalling.
I’m SO happy to FINALLY share the photos and recipe for this yummy Chocolate Chip Ricotta Cake with you guys!…